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10 Types of Chocolate

10 Types of Chocolate Lovers Around the World


When it comes to chocolate, there are countless ways to enjoy this delectable treat. From the classic milk chocolate bars to the finest artisanal creations, chocolate lovers around the world have their unique preferences and tastes. In this article, we will explore the different types of chocolate lovers and their distinct characteristics. Whether you’re a mindless eater, a wine connoisseur, or an ethical consumer, there’s a type that you’ll resonate with. So, grab your favorite chocolate bar and let’s delve into the world of chocolate lovers!

Table of Contents

  1. Mindless Eaters
  2. Winos
  3. Trend Seekers
  4. Super Tasters
  5. Luxury Lovers
  6. Ethical Consumers
  7. Gift Givers
  8. Adventurous Foodies
  9. Complete Locavores
  10. Everyday People

1. Mindless Eaters

Mindless Eaters are those who indulge in chocolate without much thought or consideration. They often find themselves reaching for a chocolate bar out of boredom, hunger, or sadness. This type of chocolate lover tends to opt for cheap chocolate, knowing that they won’t pay much attention to the taste anyway. However, consuming cheap chocolate can lead to mindless overeating due to the presence of chemicals and excessive sugar.

To combat mindless eating, it’s recommended for Mindless Eaters to opt for high-quality dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 60-70%. These chocolates have a rich flavor that can captivate your taste buds and make you savor each bite. By choosing better chocolate, Mindless Eaters can shift their focus from quantity to quality and truly appreciate the chocolate they consume.

2. Winos

Winos are the chocolate lovers who approach their chocolate consumption with the same passion and curiosity as wine enthusiasts. They pay attention to the origin of the cacao, the aging process of the chocolate, and the reputation of the chocolatier. Winos are willing to invest in expensive chocolate bars, believing that the price reflects the quality.

However, it’s important to note that not all expensive chocolate bars guarantee an exceptional experience. While some expensive chocolates are worth every penny, others might disappoint. Winos should be discerning and consider factors beyond the price tag when selecting their chocolate. It’s all about finding the perfect balance between price and quality.

3. Trend Seekers

Trend Seekers are the adventurers of the chocolate world. They are always on the lookout for the latest chocolate trends and innovations. When a new chocolate flavor or concept emerges, Trend Seekers are eager to try it and be the first to experience it. They embrace novelty and enjoy being at the forefront of the chocolate scene.

One example of a trend that caught the attention of Trend Seekers is Ruby Chocolate. Despite its high price, Trend Seekers were willing to pay a premium to be among the first to try this unique variety of chocolate. They enjoy being trendsetters and influencing others with their adventurous taste in chocolate.

4. Super Tasters

Super Tasters are individuals who possess an enhanced sense of taste. They have more taste buds in their mouths, making them highly sensitive to flavors, including bitterness. As a result, Super Tasters tend to avoid strongly flavored foods and beverages, including bitter chocolate.

However, being a Super Taster doesn’t necessarily mean being averse to chocolate. Many Super Tasters have found enjoyment in milder, sweeter varieties of chocolate. They gravitate towards chocolates with a balanced flavor profile, avoiding those with excessive bitterness. Super Tasters can explore a wide range of chocolates, including European traditional varieties known for their smoothness and balanced taste.

5. Luxury Lovers

Luxury Lovers are individuals who appreciate the finer things in life and seek out the best of the best. They believe that the most expensive items are, by default, the best. When it comes to chocolate, Luxury Lovers are drawn to high-end brands and exclusive varieties.

Their philosophy revolves around indulging in the most exquisite and luxurious chocolates. They have a taste for rare and unique chocolate experiences, such as To’ak chocolate, known for its exceptional quality and limited availability. While their preferences may be on the extravagant side, Luxury Lovers truly value the craftsmanship and artistry behind each chocolate creation.

6. Ethical Consumers

Ethical Consumers prioritize the ethical and sustainable aspects of chocolate production. They are concerned about the impact of their choices on the environment and the well-being of cocoa farmers. For Ethical Consumers, buying Fair Trade and direct trade chocolates is essential to ensure that their purchases support ethical practices.

Contrary to the misconception that ethical chocolate lacks flavor, many of the best-tasting chocolates are both ethical and direct trade. Ethical Consumers can explore specialty shops that offer a wide range of ethically sourced chocolates. By choosing these chocolates, they can enjoy delicious flavors while making a positive impact on the chocolate industry.

7. Gift Givers

Gift Givers are individuals who love to share the joy of chocolate with others. They enjoy selecting beautiful and enticing chocolate gifts for their loved ones. Gift Givers often search for unique and eye-catching packaging that adds an extra touch of excitement to the chocolate gift.

While some Gift Givers have a specific chocolate in mind, others may rely on well-known brands like Godiva to ensure they’re offering a gift of high quality. The act of giving brings them joy, and they take pleasure in introducing their friends and family to new and delightful chocolate experiences.

8. Adventurous Foodies

Adventurous Foodies are the daredevils of the culinary world, always seeking new and exciting flavor combinations. They find joy in exploring the unconventional, even when it comes to chocolate. Adventurous Foodies are open to trying unique chocolate creations, such as chocolate-covered insects or chocolates infused with unexpected ingredients.

For Adventurous Foodies, chocolate is not just a sweet treat but a gateway to cultural experiences. They appreciate the inclusion of local ingredients and exotic flavors in chocolates, transforming them into culinary adventures. While some flavors may not suit everyone’s taste, Adventurous Foodies find delight in pushing their boundaries and discovering new favorites.

9. Complete Locavores

Complete Locavores are individuals who prioritize consuming locally made and regional products. They seek to support their local communities and embrace the economic benefits of buying local. Complete Locavores are willing to spend a little extra on chocolate bars made within their region, as long as they align with their values.

Although often mistaken for Ethical Consumers, Complete Locavores focus more on supporting local businesses than on the ethical aspects of chocolate production. They are more likely to splurge on a local chocolate bar, considering it a special treat. Complete Locavores can be convinced to try different brands, but they appreciate consistency and enthusiasm when it comes to local chocolate offerings.

10. Everyday People

Everyday People are the chocolate lovers who enjoy chocolate without any specific preferences or deep knowledge of the chocolate industry. They may have stumbled upon an article or review that sparked their interest in high-quality chocolate. Everyday People are open to exploring new flavors and brands, but they often rely on familiar options available in their local grocery stores.

For Everyday People, it’s important to break free from the misconception that all chocolate tastes the same. By educating themselves about ethical chocolate brands and exploring specialty shops, Everyday People can discover a wide range of flavors and textures that go beyond the mass-produced options. They can elevate their chocolate experience and find new favorites.


In the world of chocolate, there are countless types of chocolate lovers with their unique preferences and characteristics. From Mindless Eaters to Everyday People, each type brings its own perspective and approach to enjoying chocolate. Whether you identify with one type or find yourself encompassing multiple categories, the beauty of chocolate lies in its ability to cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences. So, next time you savor a piece of chocolate, consider which type of chocolate lover you resonate with the most.

If you’re a chocolate lover, let’s chat! Leave a comment below with your favorite chocolate flavor, or share this article with your fellow chocoholics. Let’s foster some interaction and engagement around the irresistible world of artisanal cocoa treats.

Image Source: Unsplash



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