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The 5 Countries That Produce the Most Coffee

Exploring the World of Coffee Landscape: Top Producers That Might Surprise You


Brazil: The Powerhouse of Coffee Production

Brazil stands tall as a coffee production powerhouse, contributing a staggering 40% of the world’s coffee supply. The country boasts regions with ideal climates for coffee cultivation, covering around 27,000 square kilometers. The heart of coffee farming lies in Minas Gerais, São Paulo, and Paraná.

Setting itself apart from the norm, Brazil employs a unique approach to processing. Unlike most coffee-producing nations, Brazil sun-dries its coffee cherries, creating unwashed coffee. This method imparts distinctive flavors to the beans. The nation’s influence runs so deep that the 60-kilogram burlap bags, historically used to export beans, continue to serve as the global standard for measuring production and trade.

Vietnam: Navigating a Niche

Vietnam carved a niche in the international market by focusing on the cost-effective Robusta bean. With double the caffeine content of Arabica beans, Robusta lends a pleasantly bitter note to the coffee. Vietnam’s communist government ushered in economic reforms in the 1990s (Đổi Mới), triggering an explosion in coffee production. Today, Vietnam boasts over 40% of the global Robusta bean yield, surpassing other coffee-producing giants.

Boasting impressive coffee yields, Vietnam’s productivity outshines even the top coffee players.

Colombia: A Coffee Legend

Enter Colombia, famed for its iconic coffee farmer Juan Valdez. This imaginative campaign positioned Colombia among the most renowned coffee-producing nations. Sought-after for its fragrant, mild, and fruity profiles, Colombian coffee is a cherished choice.

Indonesia: Unearthing Coffee Treasures

Indonesia houses some of the world’s rarest coffees, including the famed Kopi Luwak. Sourced from beans consumed and excreted by the Asian palm civet, this exclusive coffee can set you back anywhere from $35 to $100 per cup.

Ethiopia: Birthplace of Arabica

Ethiopia, the birthplace of the Arabica coffee plant, offers full-bodied and down-to-earth coffee beans. This variety has become a staple in cafes and restaurants worldwide.

All these coffee-producing giants reside in the “Bean Belt,” nestled between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.



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